Hey, I'm Mica.
I'm an editorial photographer who specializes in photographing people.
My work focuses on capturing a moment in time, whether it's portraiture, lifestyle photography, or just the perfect light. Clients include a variety of local and international magazines and online publications.
Get in touch with me using my contact form to discuss rates, scheduling and more.
Selected Clients
This example portfolio website features the work of the following photographers:
Alec Baker
Augustine Wong
Avi Richards
Bart Jaillet
Brooke Cagle
Caleb Stokes
Dane Deaner
Debora Cardenas
Derick Mckinney
Drew Dau
Elizabeth French
Gerson Repreza
Glauber Sampaio
Ilyuza Mingazova
Jack Irwin
Jake Nackos
Joel Mott
John Forson
Jordan Pulmano
Logan Weaver
Madeleine Ragsdale
Marisol Casben
Nathan Dumlao
Nick Jio
Roberto Nickson
Ruben Gutierrez
Sieuwert Otterloo
Tamara Henzen
Tyler Nix
Vital Sinkevich
Viviana Rishe
Yannic Laderach